Consider this blog officially closed. Its been a pain to keep two different blogs (mostly because I'm lazy). So for the last month of my pregnancy, and from here on out, it will be one blog for our one life.
You can find it at
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
We're Ready!
The classes have been had, the nursery has been set up, car seats are installed, and we are officially READY to go for baby!
Or rather, as ready as we're ever going to be!
The classes were really helpful - the breastfeeding, infant CPR, and the Great Expectations classes. The CPR and breastfeeding classes were informative, and gave out lots of useful information. The Great Expectations class can't actually teach how to be a parent or anything, but it was more so just to expose us to various issues that may arise during labor and when the baby gets here, so we'll be a little more calm, and less likely to freak out. And Pat proved that he could put on a diaper and shirt and give a sponge bath - on a motionless doll anyway :) He's so cute, and going to be such a great dad!
The last thing we really needed was to get our car seat and stroller set, which arrived via UPS on Wednesday. I put the stroller together myself :) Pat installed the car seat base, in my car anyway, and we practiced taking it in and out, just like we played with the stroller too. We ended up purchasing a travel system from Costco - I'm glad we did! We got a great deal on it, and ended up with a less bulky stroller to boot! The stroller is much more city friendly - it folds quite nice and small for trains and buses and such, and the infant car seat still fits and snaps in nice and snug too. I'm very happy with it.
We didn't have a doll handy to practice using the car seat buckles and such, but we did have a Teddy bear Ted was our practice victim. Ah Ted. He's seen better days, but he's still my go to man in a pinch.
I had a check up appointment on Friday - and things are still going well. I may have a touch of an Urinary Tract Infection, but I've got antibiotics ready to go if it gets too painful and doesn't clear up on its own. Aside from that, Dr. Kelsey took a Group B Strep swap test (I'll get test results back in a week), and an internal exam to see how I was doing. Baby is down nice and low with its head locked and loaded :) And I'm about 1 cm dilated (not that it means anything at all) and on my way! He also restricted me to working only in the Chicago Metro area, so no more trips to Cheeseland :( But I suppose the less time I spend in the car, the more comfortable I am.
And I also found out that Dr. Kelsey is going to be on vacation from September 7th - 24th. I wasn't really all that heartbroken about it - I've spent lots of time with the other practitioners, and I like all of them - it doesn't matter much to me who catches the baby...that was one of the reasons why I wanted a multi-doctor practice.
We're almost a month out - and getting more and more excited as time chugs along!
Belly A Go GO!
Here are a couple of samples from my belly shots I must say, I'm pretty happy with how they came out. I'm kicking myself now, because I should have just went commando and taken my undies off (not like I have any modesty at all) - but I figured she would crop them out (but doing so would have cut off some of my precious belly) so undies exposed it is! She did a decent job in one of these shots photoshopping them out, but thankfully I've got copies of the originals so I can work my own magic with them as well (I probably won't post those, since she has her copyright already on these). But you get the idea!
You can see the whole set HERE

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
34 weeks, photo shoot, Where'd it go? & nesting
I've been feeling pretty good lately. I'm trying to take it easy work wise, so I don't over exert myself, and that has been helping a lot. Also, trying to focus on making sure I still get out and walk a bit, which is tough when its like a zillion degrees outside. And yes folks, I am getting bigger.
You know, I was really good at getting a picture every four weeks, but I botched a bit......I should have aimed for 32 weeks, 36 and then 40 - but now I'm going to have to adjust to 34, 37 & 40. I'll upload my monthly montage after the next photo shoot!
:::::::::::::::::::::: PHOTO SHOOT ::::::::::::::::::::::
Speaking of photo shoots, I had one yesterday :) Yeah, I know cheesy, eh? I was debating whether or not to do a professional studio session of me and my big ol' belly - but then I realized that I probably would be much more likely to regret NOT doing it, as opposed to having them and being a cheese ball for having them. I don't have any proofs back or anything yet - but I'll post as soon as I do. I did two different looks - one with jeans and a big white button down shirt of Pat's, and another with a cool piece of lace. I'm excited to see how they turned out! I went to the home studio of the girl who shot our wedding - Victoria Sprung. She's such a sweetie - and so patient working with me! She's used to shooting real fashion models, not just normal people like me!
:::::::::::::::::::::: WHERE'D IT GO?? ::::::::::::::::::::::
Janelle - this shot is for you. I know how much you loooove belly buttons! Earlier this week, Pat noticed that when I lay down my belly button pretty much disappears. Which is A-OK with me :) It feels so strange though - to touch my belly and feel flat skin where my belly button used to be. weird. Also, I discovered a couple other small stretch marks in addition to the rather large one around the area where my belly button ring USED to be. You can kinda sorta see them at the bottom of the photo. Is it strange for me to think they are kind of cute?

:::::::::::::::::::::: NESTING ::::::::::::::::::::::
It really hasn't hit me yet - honestly. But it definitely has for Pat!! He's been going nuts - setting up all the gifts from the shower. Its so cute :) Not to mention handy! I haven't had to do much. Pat has done baby laundry, assembled, unpacked and done EVERYTHING!! And I must say, everything is looking pretty darn sweet......

Good job Pat :) I appreciate all your hard work!

:::::::::::::::::::::: PHOTO SHOOT ::::::::::::::::::::::
Speaking of photo shoots, I had one yesterday :) Yeah, I know cheesy, eh? I was debating whether or not to do a professional studio session of me and my big ol' belly - but then I realized that I probably would be much more likely to regret NOT doing it, as opposed to having them and being a cheese ball for having them. I don't have any proofs back or anything yet - but I'll post as soon as I do. I did two different looks - one with jeans and a big white button down shirt of Pat's, and another with a cool piece of lace. I'm excited to see how they turned out! I went to the home studio of the girl who shot our wedding - Victoria Sprung. She's such a sweetie - and so patient working with me! She's used to shooting real fashion models, not just normal people like me!
:::::::::::::::::::::: WHERE'D IT GO?? ::::::::::::::::::::::
Janelle - this shot is for you. I know how much you loooove belly buttons! Earlier this week, Pat noticed that when I lay down my belly button pretty much disappears. Which is A-OK with me :) It feels so strange though - to touch my belly and feel flat skin where my belly button used to be. weird. Also, I discovered a couple other small stretch marks in addition to the rather large one around the area where my belly button ring USED to be. You can kinda sorta see them at the bottom of the photo. Is it strange for me to think they are kind of cute?
:::::::::::::::::::::: NESTING ::::::::::::::::::::::
It really hasn't hit me yet - honestly. But it definitely has for Pat!! He's been going nuts - setting up all the gifts from the shower. Its so cute :) Not to mention handy! I haven't had to do much. Pat has done baby laundry, assembled, unpacked and done EVERYTHING!! And I must say, everything is looking pretty darn sweet......

Good job Pat :) I appreciate all your hard work!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Baby Shower Details!
OK, first of all - there are a slew of people to thank, and it would take a million years to do it here.....Danica - you are my girl! Mom, Dad, Karli, Pat - thank you thank you thank you! and Mrs. DeBoer & Lori - thanks for helping too! OH, and thanks to Janelle for using my camera to take some pics of me opening presents! Without those people, the day would not have been possible!
There was only one teeny tiny snag - our registry! Apparently, there is another Karin O'Brien in NY, who is having a boy, registered at Baby's R Us (but registered as Karin OBrien - no apostrophe). That caused some confusion, as we did get some items for boys. Of course, we don't know yet if we have a boy or girl, but that was just a small hiccup!
The decorations for the party were way too adorable! Green & Yellow were the colors. Danica had beautiful vases with pretty pretty flowers, and these cute (and DELICIOUS) little yellow mint chocolate duckies wrapped in tulle for each guest. Danica's mom (Mrs. DeBoer) had metal baskets which we put the mints/m&m's candy corn snackies in, and Karli & Mom made these awesome decorated Fuse bottles that held the balloons down. Dad whipped out most of the food (Uncle Paul did help a bit). The food and drink (which I didn't include pictures of) was DELISH!!!!
I just don't think it could have been prettier!
The games went off without a hitch, and Pat and I received so many wonderful gifts! And NO doubles! That was the best part, really! No schlepping tons of things back to exchange :) Every single thing we got (even many things not on the registry), we totally needed and won't clutter our house! Here are some photos of those:

Here are a couple people pictures:
Gina & Amy
Danica, me & Lori

Mom, Nikki, Karli, Me, Joni & Janelle

Me & the O'Brien side: Moe, Me, Kristen, Shannon, Patricia & Larkin
From beginning to end, it was about two hours long, which was just about perfect. I was exhausted by the time we were finished cleaning up, though. It was really nice to go to my parent's home and float in the pool.....weightlessness for this preggo body is soooo sooooo fantabulous!
Thanks again, to everyone who helped, and everyone who came! It was great seeing everyone!
There was only one teeny tiny snag - our registry! Apparently, there is another Karin O'Brien in NY, who is having a boy, registered at Baby's R Us (but registered as Karin OBrien - no apostrophe). That caused some confusion, as we did get some items for boys. Of course, we don't know yet if we have a boy or girl, but that was just a small hiccup!
The decorations for the party were way too adorable! Green & Yellow were the colors. Danica had beautiful vases with pretty pretty flowers, and these cute (and DELICIOUS) little yellow mint chocolate duckies wrapped in tulle for each guest. Danica's mom (Mrs. DeBoer) had metal baskets which we put the mints/m&m's candy corn snackies in, and Karli & Mom made these awesome decorated Fuse bottles that held the balloons down. Dad whipped out most of the food (Uncle Paul did help a bit). The food and drink (which I didn't include pictures of) was DELISH!!!!

I just don't think it could have been prettier!
The games went off without a hitch, and Pat and I received so many wonderful gifts! And NO doubles! That was the best part, really! No schlepping tons of things back to exchange :) Every single thing we got (even many things not on the registry), we totally needed and won't clutter our house! Here are some photos of those:

Here are a couple people pictures:
Gina & Amy

Danica, me & Lori

Mom, Nikki, Karli, Me, Joni & Janelle

Me & the O'Brien side: Moe, Me, Kristen, Shannon, Patricia & Larkin

Thanks again, to everyone who helped, and everyone who came! It was great seeing everyone!
i have such great blogging ideas, but like, negative energy. so what I'm going to do, is post a "place holder" to be updated later, so I don't forget what I want to write about. OK? Ok.
Baby shower - Saturday, August 11 - went smashingly :) Details Posted :)
Baby shopping! - Monday, August 13 - now that we have lots of gifts from the shower, we know what else we need to buy for baby O'Brien's arrival. Holy Shmoly! Can we say EXPENSIVE!!!!
34 weeks - YAY! The docs won't try to prevent labor from this point forward. So, really, baby could come at any day!
Baby class preparation - Breastfeeding class Wednesday, August 15 - yes, Pat did go :) We still have three other classes to take - Great Expectations on the next two Friday nights 5 - 9 pm, and Infant CPR on Sunday.
Phew - I've got a lot to catch up on, don't I!
Baby shower - Saturday, August 11 - went smashingly :) Details Posted :)
Baby shopping! - Monday, August 13 - now that we have lots of gifts from the shower, we know what else we need to buy for baby O'Brien's arrival. Holy Shmoly! Can we say EXPENSIVE!!!!
34 weeks - YAY! The docs won't try to prevent labor from this point forward. So, really, baby could come at any day!
Baby class preparation - Breastfeeding class Wednesday, August 15 - yes, Pat did go :) We still have three other classes to take - Great Expectations on the next two Friday nights 5 - 9 pm, and Infant CPR on Sunday.
Phew - I've got a lot to catch up on, don't I!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Baby Shower a Rama!
Pat and I are getting ready for our baby shower this weekend back in Saginaw! I'm excited - Mom, Karli & Danica have worked hard a TON in getting it all put together. My job was basically the invitations and the games. I finished the games up yesterday - here's a few sneak peakies!

And my absolute favorite thing - the name tags! The little diapers are sooooo stinkin' cute - and I love how the borders turned out too. Each set of two name tags has a unique, colorful border!

Its very strange - to think that all of these things are for OUR baby! OURS! Holy cow! Its really starting to set in that we'll have a baby soon.
As far as me and the babe goes, my belly is getting bigger and better, and I'm actually feeling OK as of late. Just a bit tired here and there, and hip joint here, back pain there....etc!
I have another OB appointment tomorrow, then we'll head to the 'Naw! I get to see all my family and friends, which is a HUGE bonus....I'm hoping that I won't melt down like I have every other trip on the way back - with my whole "Woe is Me - My family is so so far away" kind of thing. That is just so emotionally draining.
Until next time - tootle-loo!
And my absolute favorite thing - the name tags! The little diapers are sooooo stinkin' cute - and I love how the borders turned out too. Each set of two name tags has a unique, colorful border!
Its very strange - to think that all of these things are for OUR baby! OURS! Holy cow! Its really starting to set in that we'll have a baby soon.
As far as me and the babe goes, my belly is getting bigger and better, and I'm actually feeling OK as of late. Just a bit tired here and there, and hip joint here, back pain there....etc!
I have another OB appointment tomorrow, then we'll head to the 'Naw! I get to see all my family and friends, which is a HUGE bonus....I'm hoping that I won't melt down like I have every other trip on the way back - with my whole "Woe is Me - My family is so so far away" kind of thing. That is just so emotionally draining.
Until next time - tootle-loo!
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