Thursday, January 18, 2007

Preggo Journal, Jan 18

Soooooo............feeling a bit more of the symptoms today. Just enough to be annoying, not bad enough to keep me home under the covers. A touch of nausea - a bit more boob hurting, some more light headed-ness and definitely some more emotional mood swings. And, I'm tired today. Oh, then there is the heightened sensitivity to smell.

There are a lot of foul smells here in Mexico - mostly dealing with old, unkept busses and trucks, and the occational over polluting company - but for the most part they are relatively easy to stomach. Nope - not today. I almost horked on a bus full of people because it felt like I was, once again, sucking on the most horridly disgusting tailpipe ever. Ick. And its nearly impossible to avoid them either. I'm pretty much forced to not enjoy the 75° weather with the windows down and the wind in my hair - I'm holed up with the A/C on recirculate. At least it helps.

I've been eating Altoids Smalls to keep the nausea at bay. seems to be working so far. I talked to my mom today and asked her if she was sick at all during her pregnancies - she said yup. Apparently I was the worst. She said she was sick from basically conception all the way to the delivery room. In fact, the two times she misscarried she knew something was wrong because she wasn't sick at all. Strange eh? Except with Karli......she wasn't sick at all with Karli either.

She was wondering why the heck I was reading about miscarriages and all the bad stuff that can happen - and I said because thats just how I am. I am an information monger......with all aspects of my life. Learning new info gives me something to do. She told me to just enjoy being pregnant. I think I'll take that advice. I'll just wait for my books to show up, read them, and if any other quesitons come up then I can look it up online or as my doctor.....I really should enjoy just being pregnant.

I also asked her about when I should announce to the world my baby-to-be....she said after the wedding :o) Of course! But, what about my friends, I asked? She said, well, if you're bursting at the seams, tell them - but also tell them why you're cautious - so they don't tell the whole world I did. I talked to Danica earlier today - and I also plan on telling Eunice, Beth & Lisa. I'll feel better, for whatever reason, that they know.
I was thinking last night as I was in my bed all by my lonesome, how difficult it must be for young girls or single women who get pregnant and have no support at all. Really, I have all the support in the world, albiet a bit far away, and it still feels lonely. I can't even imagine how they do it, against all odds, with no one to hug or love them. Its just kind of sad.\n
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*~* My adventures in Mexico *~*
",0] ); D(["mi",8,2,"1103b59f573e3f05",0,"0","Pat O\'Brien","Pat","",[[] ,[["me","","1103b59f573e3f05"] ] ,[] ] ,"Jan 19",["\"Karin T. M. Kelsey\" "] ,[] ,[] ,[] ,"Jan 19, 2007 11:14 AM","Re: 18 Jan Preggo Thoughts","",[] ,1,,,"Fri Jan 19 2007_11:14 AM","On 1/19/07, Pat O\'Brien wrote:","On 1/19/07, Pat O'Brien wrote:","",,,"","",0,,"<>",0,,0,"In reply to \"18 Jan Preggo Thoughts\"",0] ); //-->

I was thinking last night as I was in my bed all by my lonesome, how difficult it must be for young girls or single women who get pregnant and have no support at all. Really, I have all the support in the world, albiet a bit far away, and it still feels lonely. I can't even imagine how they do it, against all odds, with no one to hug or love them. Its just kind of sad.

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