Thursday, April 19, 2007


Seriously - who stole my body and replaced my appetite with that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex??? I'm not exactly sure what has happened over the past few days, but it seems as if I've been eating absolutely everything in sight, and then 5 minutes later I'm hungry again.

This would also explain why I've managed to finally gain weight - a mere 4 pounds - but it feels like a MILLION!!!!! I feel rather, well, Giant. The good news is that my maternity pants fit pretty well. The bad news is that I feel like a sausage officially in my pre-maternity wear. And my back is starting to hurt. And I feel off balance. And that makes me crabby.

I've begun to make a conscious effort to reach for healthier, more filling snacks instead of crap (i.e. candy bars and doritos), which seems to make a difference in the Feedings. I have some cottage cheese, yogurt, sharp cheddar, triscuits, celery, hummus and carrots.....ecetera, ecetera. As long as Pat keeps the chocolate and ice cream out of the house I should be OK.

Oh, I also discovered that if I don't have what I'm craving right away - I actually DO NOT pass out and die. Amazing, isn't it?

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