There are many people who find it highly rude and obnoxious that complete strangers will come up and rub thier belly. I've decided I'm not one of those people. It really doesn't bother me at all. So - be this my announcement to the world - touch my belly peeps. Just do it. Its cool. Oh, and make sure to not buy me a T-shirt that says "Hands Off the Belly".
I was rubbed today by old Asian lady who owns the dry cleaners (with her cute little ol' Jewish husband - they are quite the couple!). By the way, she's certain I'm having a boy.
::::::::: subject change :::::::::
I golfed yesterday in an 18 hole scramble. Pat and I went to the driving range on Wednesday night so I could make sure that I could actually hit the ball around my ever growing mid-section. Guess what. I can! Like, really, REALLY well! I had some pretty amazing shots yesterday, and was hitting every club well..........seriously though - it might have been the best I've ever played in my LIFE peoples! Even Pat was impressed! We'll see if pregnancy continues to be good to my game - I have another outing next Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed. If this keeps up though - I might just have to rethink my aversion to being pregnant in the summer time. Maybe its a good thing!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
EEK! Doom and gloom!
I'll be heading into my 3rd trimester this week......yay! So exciting! It seems unreal that its been that long, you know? Tomorrow, I will have less than 100 days left until baby O'Brien arrives...
I'm nervous, but lately its been more in a good way - I guess more anxious, instead of just being scared...that is definitely a good thing! It probably is because I've been feeling the baby a movin' and a shakin' inside my belly. It just makes it so real! I mean, there is actually a HUMAN inside there making all that movement! It still feels a bit alien, but kinda cool just the same. This weekend, we went camping, and it rained for a wee bit on Saturday afternoon. So we were just hangin' out in the tent playing cards, and baby was being particularly I told Pat it was time to give my belly some attention. To which he took as meaning "I'll just plop my head on her belly and lay here for a while"......silly boy! Anyway - the baby totally knocked him upside his head kung fu style :) It was pretty hilarious because it was the first time Pat really felt the frequency of the baby's kicking/punching. He said "Whoa, that's wierd" or something to that effect......Then I told him the secret I've been hiding all along - that the baby isn't his - its actually Chuck Norris's - that's where the baby gets his mad kung fu skilz that beat me up from the inside on a regular basis :)
OK, back to my title - Gloom and Doom. So I've been feeling really good and secure about the pregnancy.....but it seems as if lately I've been reading tons of really sad, tragic stories from various people about babies and pregnancy. Not really on purpose, mind you - I mean, one person from the message board I visit at just recently delivered at around 28 weeks...but the baby is still fighting the good fight right now. But in random places, like at scrapbooking message boards, I've been hearing all this horrible news! Like the woman who's friend just died in childbirth (yes, it was in a hospital and no, it wasn't in the boone docks) leaving her husband with a 2 year old and a healthy newborn boy. And another story I just read today about a woman who's sister in law just had her Baby Shower on Saturday, (she was due in one month) and learned on Sunday (Father's Day) that the baby was dead, in her womb, and she'd still have to deliver the baby as normal this week.
Now, sometimes, I am an optimist - I choose to not see some of the bad that is going on in the world......but at times I'm would consider myself a realist as well. I know that these things happen, that life isn't always hunky dory and yes, horrible things do happen to good people. But it still breaks my heart. And while its not sending me into a tailspin frenzy that something horrible is going to happen to me - it definitely brings you down a bit, you know? Anyway, trying not to focus on all that bad stuff, but its hard when its all up in your face......
OK - subject change - I still don't have the results of my gestational diabetes screen.....but I'll be calling again today. I'll keep you posted!
I'm nervous, but lately its been more in a good way - I guess more anxious, instead of just being scared...that is definitely a good thing! It probably is because I've been feeling the baby a movin' and a shakin' inside my belly. It just makes it so real! I mean, there is actually a HUMAN inside there making all that movement! It still feels a bit alien, but kinda cool just the same. This weekend, we went camping, and it rained for a wee bit on Saturday afternoon. So we were just hangin' out in the tent playing cards, and baby was being particularly I told Pat it was time to give my belly some attention. To which he took as meaning "I'll just plop my head on her belly and lay here for a while"......silly boy! Anyway - the baby totally knocked him upside his head kung fu style :) It was pretty hilarious because it was the first time Pat really felt the frequency of the baby's kicking/punching. He said "Whoa, that's wierd" or something to that effect......Then I told him the secret I've been hiding all along - that the baby isn't his - its actually Chuck Norris's - that's where the baby gets his mad kung fu skilz that beat me up from the inside on a regular basis :)
OK, back to my title - Gloom and Doom. So I've been feeling really good and secure about the pregnancy.....but it seems as if lately I've been reading tons of really sad, tragic stories from various people about babies and pregnancy. Not really on purpose, mind you - I mean, one person from the message board I visit at just recently delivered at around 28 weeks...but the baby is still fighting the good fight right now. But in random places, like at scrapbooking message boards, I've been hearing all this horrible news! Like the woman who's friend just died in childbirth (yes, it was in a hospital and no, it wasn't in the boone docks) leaving her husband with a 2 year old and a healthy newborn boy. And another story I just read today about a woman who's sister in law just had her Baby Shower on Saturday, (she was due in one month) and learned on Sunday (Father's Day) that the baby was dead, in her womb, and she'd still have to deliver the baby as normal this week.
Now, sometimes, I am an optimist - I choose to not see some of the bad that is going on in the world......but at times I'm would consider myself a realist as well. I know that these things happen, that life isn't always hunky dory and yes, horrible things do happen to good people. But it still breaks my heart. And while its not sending me into a tailspin frenzy that something horrible is going to happen to me - it definitely brings you down a bit, you know? Anyway, trying not to focus on all that bad stuff, but its hard when its all up in your face......
OK - subject change - I still don't have the results of my gestational diabetes screen.....but I'll be calling again today. I'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
OK, so a word about this week
This past week has been pretty tough for me emotionally. I mean, I've just been tired, mean, irritable, and in general not a happy preggo pants. I guess if I had to pin point a culprit, I would say weight is weighing me down.
This weekend - we went to Michigan and I had a fantastic time...but it was the first time a lot of my family has seen me pregnant. And everyone I saw, the first thing out of their mouth was "awww....there's my chubby girl" or something to that equivalent. I know it was meant to be endearing, but to hear it over and over and over again, got to be kind of tough. I don't think I know of anyone, including the most secure person in the world, that could hear that phrase that many times, and still feel good about themselves, know what I mean? Oh, did I mention I was in a bathing suite most of the day on Saturday? yeah, catching a glimpse in the mirror of that was a bit traumatic. Lets just say the body can change a lot in a month! In addition to my already fragile self image, I had to toil with that fresh in my mind most of the drive home.
Then, in talking with my doctor on Monday, we discussed my weight...and although he wasn't that concerned (I've gained about 15-20 pounds so far), when I asked about it he said he would be wouldn't mind if I didn't gain much between now and my next appointment. Yup - that would mean I'm chubby. I know I've been eating way too much crap and all, I guess I just needed to hear the doc say it so I could get back on track. So, I've banned Starbucks and Culvers & peanut butter twix from my diet for at least the next two weeks (a big feat - considering I was indulging daily) and just in general try to improve my nutrition. I was really doing well in the beginning of my pregnancy, and somehow just lost track of it all.
I know that people say now isn't the time to diet, and I'm not going to be restricting my caloric intake......but I should be putting more of an emphasis on my nutrition and health - and not eating crap. And I don't know a single pregnant woman who really has said "I'm not going to pay attention to my weight" - its always an issue. And the more closely I take care of the issue now, the less I'll have to deal with it after baby is born.
The other issue I had to deal with was Sunday evening's meltdown.....a direct result of visiting my friends and family. It was the same issue as before - me lamenting the fact that I am far removed from my support system, and how on earth are we going to raise a baby without that system close by. I cried for a bit, but felt better later in the evening after realizing that I indeed, will do a good job, with or without my family and friends right next door.
::::::::: MORE OB NEWS :::::::::
So back to my OB appointment - I also got to take my glucose test. It wasn't as bad drinking that orange goo as everyone made it out to be, but I felt really weird for the rest of the day. Like I was high, then crashing from sugar. Very strange. I don't know the results of the test yet - but in my eyes no news is good news.
I also got some blood pressure checked (118/75 - kind of high for me, but I had just chugged the sugary goodness and was doing my darndest to not chuck it back up - normally I'm somehwere below 110/70), got my cervix checked out (everything is A-OK), and uterus measured (super normal there too). So far, everything is really looking good! And now I know my blood type is B+ (Pat's A+) - so there is officially no Rh negative risk (although if there was, they totally would have told me by now!).
The other big thing that we discussed was that the rest of my visits will be alternated between Dr. Kelsey and the other group OB's, just so I can meet them all once. Cuz who knows if Dr. Kelsey will officially be available when Baby O'Brien makes his/her grand entrance. I also got to finally change my name to O' took a while for work and insurance to make the changes :)
This weekend - we went to Michigan and I had a fantastic time...but it was the first time a lot of my family has seen me pregnant. And everyone I saw, the first thing out of their mouth was "awww....there's my chubby girl" or something to that equivalent. I know it was meant to be endearing, but to hear it over and over and over again, got to be kind of tough. I don't think I know of anyone, including the most secure person in the world, that could hear that phrase that many times, and still feel good about themselves, know what I mean? Oh, did I mention I was in a bathing suite most of the day on Saturday? yeah, catching a glimpse in the mirror of that was a bit traumatic. Lets just say the body can change a lot in a month! In addition to my already fragile self image, I had to toil with that fresh in my mind most of the drive home.
Then, in talking with my doctor on Monday, we discussed my weight...and although he wasn't that concerned (I've gained about 15-20 pounds so far), when I asked about it he said he would be wouldn't mind if I didn't gain much between now and my next appointment. Yup - that would mean I'm chubby. I know I've been eating way too much crap and all, I guess I just needed to hear the doc say it so I could get back on track. So, I've banned Starbucks and Culvers & peanut butter twix from my diet for at least the next two weeks (a big feat - considering I was indulging daily) and just in general try to improve my nutrition. I was really doing well in the beginning of my pregnancy, and somehow just lost track of it all.
I know that people say now isn't the time to diet, and I'm not going to be restricting my caloric intake......but I should be putting more of an emphasis on my nutrition and health - and not eating crap. And I don't know a single pregnant woman who really has said "I'm not going to pay attention to my weight" - its always an issue. And the more closely I take care of the issue now, the less I'll have to deal with it after baby is born.
The other issue I had to deal with was Sunday evening's meltdown.....a direct result of visiting my friends and family. It was the same issue as before - me lamenting the fact that I am far removed from my support system, and how on earth are we going to raise a baby without that system close by. I cried for a bit, but felt better later in the evening after realizing that I indeed, will do a good job, with or without my family and friends right next door.
::::::::: MORE OB NEWS :::::::::
So back to my OB appointment - I also got to take my glucose test. It wasn't as bad drinking that orange goo as everyone made it out to be, but I felt really weird for the rest of the day. Like I was high, then crashing from sugar. Very strange. I don't know the results of the test yet - but in my eyes no news is good news.
I also got some blood pressure checked (118/75 - kind of high for me, but I had just chugged the sugary goodness and was doing my darndest to not chuck it back up - normally I'm somehwere below 110/70), got my cervix checked out (everything is A-OK), and uterus measured (super normal there too). So far, everything is really looking good! And now I know my blood type is B+ (Pat's A+) - so there is officially no Rh negative risk (although if there was, they totally would have told me by now!).
The other big thing that we discussed was that the rest of my visits will be alternated between Dr. Kelsey and the other group OB's, just so I can meet them all once. Cuz who knows if Dr. Kelsey will officially be available when Baby O'Brien makes his/her grand entrance. I also got to finally change my name to O' took a while for work and insurance to make the changes :)
Pictures :)'s the crib and changing table :) Isn't it soooo pretty! We're so lucky to have been able to borrow it from the O'Donnell family. Its just perfect! And, I love that there are drawers underneath both the crib & the changing table. We also bought some baskets to put under the changing table today too - they look pretty nice! All I have to do is wipe them down and clean them a bit - and it will be all ready for Baby's arrival!!!

25 weeks.....
and counting!
I've got nursery pictures....or rather guest room/office/nursery pictures - I'll post later. we picked up the crib and changing table from Moe's this weekend. It fits perfectly - and looks fantastic! I can't wait to get all the crap that goes in it :) Including the baby!
I've got nursery pictures....or rather guest room/office/nursery pictures - I'll post later. we picked up the crib and changing table from Moe's this weekend. It fits perfectly - and looks fantastic! I can't wait to get all the crap that goes in it :) Including the baby!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Finally - Pictures :)
Now, I'm not really all that keen on parading around God's Green Earth all nekked and such, but just for the sake of documentation here are photos of the progression of my pregnancy. I started out in Mexico, thinking it would be easiest just to do it au-natural. But I think its been OK with the tank and cool pants....and probably more PG-13 that way anyway. Keep in mind I was overweight to begin with, so its not the cute, itty bitty bump you would expect, but its me - and I love me for it!

Almost 2/3 of the way!
Today marks 24 weeks. I'm going to take some belly pics tonight, and probably post the full progression as well....
Monday I have my 24 week appointment - glucose test and the like! Apparently the flat orange pop they make you drink isn't as horrible as you'd think. It shouldn't be too bad. Depending on the results they determine if you're at risk for gestational diabetes or not. I'm not all that worried about it - although I've been eating some serious sugarliciousness as of late, more or less I've been eating well.
The belly button still hasn't popped out yet, but my uterus is definitely above it now - by a couple of inches. I feel baby kicks up there ALL the time (i.e. right now!). I think I don't have any poppage yet because I was chubby to begin with, so there's probably a nice big layer of fat between the uterus and the skin.....maybe I won't pop at all! Which wouldn't be too bad - some of the outie pictures I've seen kind of scare me!
I'm getting the baby's room ready, slowly but surely! We get to pick up the crib and changing table this weekend, so I've been trying to clean out as much unnecessary clutter as possible. Its a chore man! I've finally got our filing system figured out though, so that will help immensely with getting the clutter under control! I'll make another donation run to the Salvation Army too - we've given TONS away already this year! I'm very proud of us!
I also think we've narrowed down a shower date - which helps put my mind at ease too. It will probably be August 5 or 11. Hopefully we can sort it out for good this weekend. These past 24 weeks have just flown by - and to think our little babe will be here in just three short months is crazy! There is still so much to do!
Monday I have my 24 week appointment - glucose test and the like! Apparently the flat orange pop they make you drink isn't as horrible as you'd think. It shouldn't be too bad. Depending on the results they determine if you're at risk for gestational diabetes or not. I'm not all that worried about it - although I've been eating some serious sugarliciousness as of late, more or less I've been eating well.
The belly button still hasn't popped out yet, but my uterus is definitely above it now - by a couple of inches. I feel baby kicks up there ALL the time (i.e. right now!). I think I don't have any poppage yet because I was chubby to begin with, so there's probably a nice big layer of fat between the uterus and the skin.....maybe I won't pop at all! Which wouldn't be too bad - some of the outie pictures I've seen kind of scare me!
I'm getting the baby's room ready, slowly but surely! We get to pick up the crib and changing table this weekend, so I've been trying to clean out as much unnecessary clutter as possible. Its a chore man! I've finally got our filing system figured out though, so that will help immensely with getting the clutter under control! I'll make another donation run to the Salvation Army too - we've given TONS away already this year! I'm very proud of us!
I also think we've narrowed down a shower date - which helps put my mind at ease too. It will probably be August 5 or 11. Hopefully we can sort it out for good this weekend. These past 24 weeks have just flown by - and to think our little babe will be here in just three short months is crazy! There is still so much to do!
Loving Pregnancy?
Pat asked me last night if I was enjoying my pregnancy.
It was a good and fair question - but it took me a while to answer, because I wasn't exactly sure of how I felt.
I'm appreciative that the pregnancy has gone as well as it has - and I think I've been rather fortunate that it hasn't interfered too much with my daily life, and hasn't kept me from doing things I would normally do. I am appreciative and have a good attitude toward my changing body...mostly because giant boobs are cool, and my belly is getting rather cute and round.
I guess I thought I'd feel differently. That I'd LOOVE it. I've always thought that pregnancy is exactly what my body was made for - my wide hips, strong legs, and ample breasts....and I'm sure it is - but I had visions in my head. I couldn't WAIT to get maternity clothes because I just *knew* how adorable I'd be......
But am I loving it? Ummm......I'm not sure. I don't think I would say I'm loving it. Loving is a strong statment. Mostly because its pretty uncomfortable at times. I mean, a person is growing inside you for Pete's Sake - its taking up space and moving things around and squirming and squishing and making your body all strange and weird. Not just the weight gain thing, although it is a major drawback - I'm taking more about how your hips widen and your back is all out of wack and when you wake up or try to move around its rather difficult. Its very strange.
Some women (I'm sure they are all liars now) really loved being pregnant. Maybe those are the people with 12 kids - where pregnancy is their preferred stage of existence. Those people are misleading - they're the ones who don't tell you about the constipation, hemorrhoids, constant farting and burping, joint pain, nerve pain, not being able to tie your own shoes pain......
I'm just hoping its not all a scam. You know, like a scam to keep the human race alive. Everyone says how amazing it is to be a parent, how its the most incredible (ok - some honest ones include most difficult as well) thing they have ever done.....but what if they are scammers just like those perfectly happy glowing "loving pregnancy" women are? I suppose its a bit too late to be thinking of that now - but the thought did just pop up in my head.....
Maybe holding that little baby outside your body for the first time makes the memory of the labor and previous 40 weeks melt away......because if not - than I'm going to spread the word of truth, and human kind will be doomed :)
It was a good and fair question - but it took me a while to answer, because I wasn't exactly sure of how I felt.
I'm appreciative that the pregnancy has gone as well as it has - and I think I've been rather fortunate that it hasn't interfered too much with my daily life, and hasn't kept me from doing things I would normally do. I am appreciative and have a good attitude toward my changing body...mostly because giant boobs are cool, and my belly is getting rather cute and round.
I guess I thought I'd feel differently. That I'd LOOVE it. I've always thought that pregnancy is exactly what my body was made for - my wide hips, strong legs, and ample breasts....and I'm sure it is - but I had visions in my head. I couldn't WAIT to get maternity clothes because I just *knew* how adorable I'd be......
But am I loving it? Ummm......I'm not sure. I don't think I would say I'm loving it. Loving is a strong statment. Mostly because its pretty uncomfortable at times. I mean, a person is growing inside you for Pete's Sake - its taking up space and moving things around and squirming and squishing and making your body all strange and weird. Not just the weight gain thing, although it is a major drawback - I'm taking more about how your hips widen and your back is all out of wack and when you wake up or try to move around its rather difficult. Its very strange.
Some women (I'm sure they are all liars now) really loved being pregnant. Maybe those are the people with 12 kids - where pregnancy is their preferred stage of existence. Those people are misleading - they're the ones who don't tell you about the constipation, hemorrhoids, constant farting and burping, joint pain, nerve pain, not being able to tie your own shoes pain......
I'm just hoping its not all a scam. You know, like a scam to keep the human race alive. Everyone says how amazing it is to be a parent, how its the most incredible (ok - some honest ones include most difficult as well) thing they have ever done.....but what if they are scammers just like those perfectly happy glowing "loving pregnancy" women are? I suppose its a bit too late to be thinking of that now - but the thought did just pop up in my head.....
Maybe holding that little baby outside your body for the first time makes the memory of the labor and previous 40 weeks melt away......because if not - than I'm going to spread the word of truth, and human kind will be doomed :)
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