Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hooray :) Boo Hiss :(

::::: HOORAY! :::::
My headaches I've been complaining about for the past couple of weeks (as well as the jaw pain) have finally been resolved. I have a severly strained jaw muscle, with a big Charlie Horse in it! I can't take all sorts of muscle relaxers being all pregnant and stuff, but the dentist did do some massages and show me some stretches to do at home. He's a cool dude, and got me in right away. I think Dr. Padleckas rules!

::::: HOORAY! :::::
I found a bathing suit!!! SUPER cute at Target today. Its a two piece tankini type thing, with brown bottoms with this cute cinchy ties at the sides, and a funky brown/teal tie dye thing going on up top. Fits great now, but definitely LOTS of room to grow too. The great thing is that it still looks good now, even with room to grow later. I'm excited about it!

::::: boo hiss :::::
I still have another cute bathing suit on order from motherhood. Hopefully that one fits too, so I don't have to return it. A girl should always have at least two swimsuits, right?

::::: HOORAY! :::::
I told all the peeps in my office yesterday that I'm pregnant! It felt good to get it out - even better because I LOVE the attention, and I love seeing people genuinely happy and excited that Pat & I are going to be parents :) Such a great feeling! One of the secretaries, Lorraine, kept calling me Mama - I totally was soaking it up!

::::: boo hiss :::::
The big boss - (basically my boss's boss's boss - the guy who was in charge of making sure I got back to the US and sent me to Mexico) was less than enthused about the whole thing. It was kind of like a "Oh great, she just gets back and gets knocked up - another one bites the dust". First of all - pppppttttthhhhhhh - second of all, I'm not planning on just giving up this great job that I have.....and pppppptttttthhhhhh for thinking people can't be great mothers and great employees. UGH. It just irks me. And, if I wanted to stay home and be a mom, thats my prerogative - its my job to take care of my personal life first, then business second. So if I decided to leave (which I've pretty much decided I won't) and it screws the business - than I guess I'm just stickin' it to THE MAN who has screwed all those other employees before. Its not personal. Just business.

::::: HOORAY! :::::
I'm probably going to officially tell the rest of the world today - if I ever get around to announcing it on my other blog. We'll see what's up!

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