Thursday, March 15, 2007


Still suffering from these stinkin' headaches. I've decided its probably due to allergies / sinus issues. I'm taking some sudafed....but I'm also going to go to the dentist sometime next week to see if my bite plate needs to be adjusted, because I'm having some tension in my ear/throat/jaw as well.

Appointment went well yesterday, except that I had to wait FOR.EV.ER for the doc. I had a chick doc instead of Dr. Kelsey - because he was on vacation until next week...and I didn't want to wait that long. She was OK - kind of rushed - but OK.

She listened for the heartbeat with the dopplar thingy (it kind of looks like a mouse, which they move around on the belly, attached to a speaker) on my belly, but couldn't find it :( so we went and did a quickie abdominal ultrasound just to make sure everything was OK. It was :) There was little blob O'Brien squirming about on the screen, with a healthy heartbeat and all. It was so stinking ADORABLE!!!! Little feet kicking, arms and hands touching its face! HA! A real baby!

I'll get another ultrasound tomorrow - its part of the 1st trimester screening. They use a high resolution ultrasound and take measurements - and based on that they can tell you whats "normal" and what might be indicative of genetic abnormalities. I guess the high res ultrasound is cool though - much nicer than normal ones in doctor offices.

Its a bit of a bummer though because Pat can't be with me to see the ultrasound. He's got a pretty important meeting - and we couldn't reschedule the appointment cuz they were all booked up. Oh well - I'll be OK I'm sure. I might try taking a movie with my cell phone so he can see the baby moving about though. Its quite an improvement from the first ultrasound we had!

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