Friday, March 2, 2007

Things that make you go hmmm....

During our last OB visit we were given the option of early genetic testing to determine if there are any potential defects which would effect Baby Blob O'Brien's development. Two were invasive procedures - the most commonly known is an Amniocentesis, the other is called CVS (or something like that) where they insert a tube through the cervix and then take samplings of fetal tissue. Those are the only two methods that can tell 100% the sex of the child, as well as the presence of any genetic abnormalities such as spinobifida or down’s syndrome. There are also some screening tests that you can do with simple blood drawing or measurements taken during an ultrasound. Not invasive procedures, but also no risk of miscarriage…also a much more subjective approach – they just take a look at red flags based on measurements of the baby or different things in your blood.

If insurance pays for it, we’ll be doing some of the non-invasive screening. But, if not, we won’t worry about it. These tests were usually only offered to women over the age of 35, where risk factors become greatly increased, but Pat has some family history of down’s syndrome / mental retardation……enough to make us just the slightest bit concerned.

The big issue with this genetic testing is what to do with the information? I think the medical profession looks at it as this: early detection of potential problems gives people a more viable option of termination of the pregnancy. I guess in that type of situation, the earlier, the better. Neither of us are proponents of abortion – so for us, that wouldn’t be an option. But I think just knowing if you are going to have a special needs child before hand does have its advantages…although can anything ever prepare you, really?

On another note......I chose a prenatal vitamin. Hooray! It's the cute purple one :) Goes down easy, comes out smooth HAHAHAHA!!! I should be able to pick them up tomorrow!

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